If you need to lose weight, improve your diet, develop a good and safe exercise program; if you need to stop smoking or control your stress level; then you need us.

The Drayson Center Office of Preventive Care invites you to begin a vibrant, life-changing journey

One time visit includes the body composition assessment with the Inbody 520 - a top of the line bioimpedance analyzing machine. This machine checks the body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, body water content, body mass index, and segmental lean body mass (upper and lower body composition). Also, there are other tests such as blood pressure check, health risk assessment and fitness tests. Upon receiving the results, a personal profile is created along with an appropriate lifestyle recommendation and follow-up.


Drayson members: $20

Non-members: $30

This is a one-time visit that can change your life, but we also offer a program for a long term follow up to increase the chances of reaching your health goals. We also provide supporting activities that can help you to maintain your health changes such as the online newsletter (Loma Linda Zone Newsletter), email follow up (sphwellness@llu.edu), social follow-up sessions, the LLU Lifestyle Health Fair (Usually in October in conjunction with the Senior Health Fair and the LLU Health Symposium (usually offered to the public in September each year).