Dear Alumni, Faculty and Staff,
Our new year has started, and seeing more activity in the halls is exciting. This is a big year for the School of Public Health (SPH), and we are looking forward with great anticipation to our upcoming Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accreditation, with a site visit scheduled for March 2024.
One of the initiatives I have launched is a partnership with Loma Linda University Health’s (LLUH) managed care team. The SPH will start a multifaceted proposal that encompasses groundbreaking research, expansive internships and the innovative establishment of an online training clinic specifically designed for patient support groups.
As I am getting settled in my new role, I have started attending ASPPH leadership conversations. A theme that keeps coming up is “What is Public Health?” There has been an increase in the public’s awareness of public health, but schools and programs are seeking ways to better inform the public about what Public Health does.
As we journey through this academic year and as the New Year beckons, I invite you to reflect: What does Public Health signify to you personally? In the coming months, I look forward to engaging with many of you, staff and alumni alike, through brief interviews. These discussions present an opportunity to share your perspectives on the essence of Public Health.
We have a lot planned for this year, so stay tuned!
Warm regards,
Dr. Adam L. Aréchiga, PsyD, DrPH
Dean, School of Public Health