The Adventist Mortality Study/Adventist Health Study
1. Lemon, R. R.; Walden, R. T.; Woods, R. W. "Cancer of the lung and mouth in Seventh-day Adventists: A preliminary report on a population study". Cancer, 1964; 17:486-497.
2. Lemon, F. R.; Walden, R. T. "Death from respiratory system disease among Seventh-day Adventist men". Journal of the American Medical Association, 1966; 198:117-126. Abstract
3. Lemon, F. R.; Kuzma, J. W. "A biologic cost of smoking: decreased life expectancy". Archives of Environmental Health, 1969; 18:950-955. Abstract
4. Phillips, R. L. "Role of lifestyle and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-day Adventists". Cancer Research, 1975; 35(Suppl):3513-3522. Abstract
5. Phillips, R. L.; Lemon, F. R.; Beeson, W. L.; Kuzma, J. W. "Coronary heart disease mortality among Seventh-day Adventists with differing dietary habits: a preliminary report". American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1978; 32 (supplement):S191-S198. Abstract
6. Phillips, R. L. "Cancer among Seventh-day Adventists". Journal Environmental Pathology & Toxicology, 1980; 3:157-169.
7. Phillips, R. L.; Kuzma, J. W.; Lotz, T. M. "Cancer mortality among comparable members versus non-members of the Seventh-day Adventist church". In: Cancer Incidence in Defined Populations (Banbury Report #4; Cairns, J; Lyon, J. L.; Skolnick, M., eds). New York, 1980, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. pp. 93-108.
8. Phillips, R. L.; Garfinkel, L.; Kuzma, J. W.; Beeson, W. L; Lotz, T. L.; Brin, B. "Mortality among California Seventh-day Adventists for selected cancer sites". Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1980; 65:1097-1107. Abstract
9. Phillips, R. L.; Kuzma, J. W.; Beeson, W. L.; Lotz, T. "Influence of selection versus lifestyle on risk of fatal cancer and cardiovascular disease among Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1980; 112:296-314.
10. Kuzma, J. W.; Beeson, W. L. "The relationship of lifestyle characteristics to mortality among California Seventh-day Adventists". Proceedings of the 19th National Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1214, 1981, pp 195-200.
11. Snowdon, D. A.; Phillips, R. L.; Kuzma, J. W. "Age at baptism into the Seventh-day Adventist Church and risk of death due to ischemic heart disease -- A preliminary report". In: Environmental Effects on Maturation, (Banbury Report #11, Hunt, V. R.; Smith, M. K.; Worth, D., eds), New York, 1982, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp 465-472.
12. Phillips, R. L.; Snowdon, D. A. "The association of meat and coffee with cancers of the large bowel, breast, and prostate among Seventh-day Adventists--Preliminary results". Cancer Research, 1983; 43(Suppl):2403S-2408S. Abstract
13. Snowdon, D. A. "Epidemiology of aging: Seventh-day Adventists--A bellwether for future progress". In: Intervention in the Aging Process (Regelson, W; Sinex, F. M., eds). New York, 1983, Alan R. Liss, pp 141-149.
14. Zollinger, T. W.; Phillips, R. L.; Kuzma, J. W. "Breast cancer survival rates among Seventh-day Adventists and non-Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1984; 119:503-509. Abstract
15. Kahn, H. A.; Phillips, R. L.; Snowdon, D. A.; Choi, W. "Association between reported diet and all-cause mortality. Twenty-one year follow-up on 27,530 adult Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1984; 119: 775-787. Abstract
16. Snowdon, D. A.; Phillips, R. L. "Coffee consumption and risk of fatal cancers". American Journal of Public Health, 1984; 74:820-823. Abstract
17. Snowdon, D. A.; Phillips, R. L.; Choi, W. "Diet, obesity and risk of fatal prostate cancer". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1984; 120:244-250. Abstract
18. Snowdon, D. A.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Meat consumption and fatal ischemic heart disease". Preventive Medicine, 1984; 13:490-500. Abstract
19. Phillips, R. L.; Snowdon, D. A. "Dietary relationships with fatal colo-rectal cancer among Seventh-day Adventists". Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1985; 74:307-317. Abstract
20. Snowdon, D. A.; Phillips, R. L. "Does a vegetarian diet reduce the occurrence of diabetes?" American Journal of Public Health, 1985; 75:507-512. Abstract
21. Phillips, R. L.; Snowdon, D. A. "Mortality among Seventh-day Adventists in relation to dietary habits and lifestyle". In: Plant Proteins: Application, Biologic Effect, and Chemistry, (Ory, R. L., ed.). Washington D.C., 1986, American Chemical Society, pp 162-174. Abstract
22. Fraser, G. E.; Dysinger, P. W.; Best, C.; Chan, R. "IHD risk factors in middle-aged Seventh-day Adventist men and their neighbors". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1987; 126:638-646. Abstract
23. Mills, P. K.; Annegers, J. F.; Phillips, R. L. "Animal product consumption and subsequent fatal breast cancer risk among Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1988; 127(3):440-453. Abstract
24. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Abbey, D. E.; Fraser, G. E.; Phillips, R. L. "Dietary habits and past medical history as related to fatal pancreas cancer risk among Adventists". Cancer, 1988; 61:2578-2585. Abstract
25. Snowdon, D. A. "Animal product consumption and mortality because of all causes combined, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer in Seventh-day Adventists". American Jourcan of Clinical Nutrition, 1988; 48:739-748. Abstract
26. Snowdon, D. A.; Kane, R. L.; Beeson, W. L.; Burke, G. L.; Sprafka, J. M.; Potter, J; Iso, H.; Jacobs, D. R.; Phillips, R. L. "Is early natural menopause a biologic marker of health and aging?". American Journal of Public Health, 1989; 79: 709-714. Abstract
27. Beeson, W. L.; Mills, P. K.; Phillips, R. L.; Andress, M.; Fraser, G. E. "Chronic disease among Seventh-day Adventists, a low-risk group". Cancer, 1989; 64:557-581. Abstract
28. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Dietary habits and breast cancer incidence among Seventh-day Adventists". Cancer, 1989; 64:582-590. Abstract
29. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Prospective study of exogenous hormone use and breast cancer in Seventh-day Adventists". Cancer, 1989; 65:591-597. Abstract
30. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Cohort study of diet, lifestyle, and prostate cancer in Adventist men". Cancer, 1989; 64:598-604. Abstract
31. Mills, P. K.; Preston-Martin, S.; Annegers, J. F., Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Risk factors for tumors of the brain and cranial meninges in Seventh-day Adventists". Neuroepidemiology, 1989; 8:266-275.Abstract
32. Snowdon, D. A. "Early natural menopause and the duration of postmenopausal life". Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1990; 38:402-408. Abstract
33. Fraser, G. E.; Phillips, R. L.; Beeson, W. L. "Hypertension, antihypertensive medication and risk of renal carcinoma in California Seventh-day Adventists". International Journal of Epidemiology, 1990; 19(4):832-838. Abstract
34. Mills, P. K.; Newell, G. R.; Beeson, W. L., Fraser, G. E.; Phillips, R. L. "History of cigarette smoking and risk of leukemia and myeloma: Results from the Adventist Health Study". Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1990; 82: 1832-1836. Abstract
35. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Bladder cancer in a low-risk population: results from the Adventist Health Study". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1991; 133:230-239. Abstract
36. Lindsted, K. D.; Tonstad, S.; Kuzma, J. W. "Self-report of physical activity and patterns of mortality in Seventh-day Adventist men". Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1991; 44:355-364. Abstract
37. Lindsted, K. D.; Tonstad, S. "Body mass index and patterns of mortality among Seventh-day Adventist men". International Journal of Obesity, 1991; 15:397-406. Abstract
38. Fraser, G. E.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L. "Diet and lung cancer in California Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1991; 133:683-693. Abstract
39. Ullman, D.; Phillips, R. L.; Beeson, W. L.; Dewey, H. G.; Brin, B. N.; Kuzma, J. W.; Mathews, C. P.; Hirst, A. E. "Cause-specific mortality among physicians with differing lifestyles". Journal of the American Medical Association, 1991; 265:2352-2359. Abstract
40. Kurata, J. H.; Nogawa, A. N.; Abbey, D. E.; Petersen, F. "A prospective study of risk for peptic ulcer disease in Seventh-day Adventists". Gastroenterology, 1992; 102:902-909. Abstract
41. Fraser, G. E.; Sabaté, J.; Beeson, W. L.; Stahan, T. M. "A possible protective effect of nut consumption on risk of coronary heart disease: the Adventist Health Study". Archives of Internal Medicine, 1992; 152:1416-1424. Abstract
42. Fraser, G. E.; Strahan, T. M.; Sabaté, J.; Beeson, W. L.; Kissinger, D. "Effects of traditional coronary risk factors on rates of incident coronary events in a low-risk population: the Adventist Health Study". Circulation, 1992; 86:406-413. Abstract
43. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Fraser, G. E.; Phillips, R. L. "Allergy and cancer: Organ site-specific results from the Adventist Health Study". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1992; 136:287-295. Abstract
44. Lindsted, K. D.; Kuzma, J. W.; Anderson, J. L. "Coffee consumption and cause-specific mortality". Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1992; 45:733-742. Abstract
45. Giem, P.; Beeson, W. L.; Fraser, G. E. "The incidence of dementia and intake of animal products: preliminary findings from the Adventist Health Study". Neuroepidemiology, 1993; 12:28-36. Abstract
46. Sabaté, J.; Fraser, G. E. "The probable role of nuts in preventing coronary heart disease". Primary Cardiology, 1993; 19:65-72. Abstract
47. Sabaté, J.; Fraser, G. E. "Nuts: a new protective food against coronary heart disease". Current Opinion in Lipidology, 1994; 5:11-16. Abstract
48. Mills, P. K.; Beeson, W. L.; Phillips, R. L.; Fraser, G. E. "Cancer incidence among California Seventh-day Adventists, 1976-1982". American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994; 59:1136S-1142S. Abstract
49. Knutsen, S. F. "Lifestyle and the use of health services". American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994; 59:1171S- 1175S. Abstract
50. Fraser, G. E.; Lindsted, K. D.; Beeson, W. L. "Effect of risk factor values on lifetime risk of and age at first coronary event". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1995; 142:746-758. Abstract
51. Lindsted, K. D.; Fraser, G. E.; Steinkohl, M; Beeson, W. L. "Healthy volunteer effect in a cohort study: Temporal resolution in the Adventist Health Study". Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1996; 49:783-790. Abstract
52. Singh, P. N.; Tonstad, S.; Abbey, D. E.; Fraser, G. E. "Validity of selected physical activity questions in white Seventh-day Adventists and non-Adventists". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1996; 28:1026-1036. Abstract
53. Lindsted, K. D.; Singh, P. N. "Body mass and 26-year risk of mortaltiy among women who never smoked: Findings from the Adventist Mortality Study". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1997; 146:1-11. Abstract
54. Fraser, G. E.; Shavlik, D. "Risk factors, lifetime risk, and age at onset of breast cancer". Annals of Epidemiology, 1997; 7:375-382. Abstract
55. Fraser, G. E.; Shavlik, D. J. "Risk factors for all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality in the oldest-old". Archives of Internal Medicine, 1997; 157:2249-2258. Abstract
56. Singh, P. N.; Lindsted, K. D. "Body mass and 26-year risk of mortality from specific diseases among women who never smoked". Epidemiology, 1998; 9:246-254. Abstract
57. Singh, P. N.; Fraser, G. E. "Dietary risk factors for colon cancer in a low-risk population". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1998; 148:761-774. Abstract
58. Lindsted, K. D.; Singh, P. N. "Body mass and 26-year risk of mortality among men who never smoked: a re-analysis among men from the Adventist Mortality Study". International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders, 1998;22: 544-548. Abstract
59. Fraser, G. E.; Lindsted, K. D.; Knutsen, S. F.; Beeson, W. L.; Bennett, H; Shavlik, D. J. "The validity of dietary recall over twenty years in California Seventh-day Adventists". American Journal of Epidemiology, 1998; 148:810-818. Abstract
60. Jacobsen, B. K.; Knutsen, S. F.; Fraser, G. E. "Does high soy milk intake reduce prostate cancer incidence? The Adventist Health Study". Cancer Causes & Control, 1998; 9:553-557. Abstract
61. Fraser, G. E.; Shavlik, D. J. "The estimation of lifetime risk and average age at onset of a disease using a multivariate exponential hazard rate model". Statistics in Medicine, 1999; 18:397-410. Abstract
62. Jacobsen, B. K.; Knutsen, S. F.; Fraser, G. E. "Age at natural menopause and total mortality and mortality from ischemic heart disease: The Adventist Health Study". Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1999; 52:303-307. Abstract
63. Fraser, G. E. "Nut consumption, lipids, and risk of a coronary event". Clinical Cardiology, 1999; 22(SupplIII):III-11- III-15. Abstract
A full list of more than 280 scientific references regarding the health of Seventh-day Adventists can be obtained upon request from:
Center for Health Research
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