By kfreeland - October 23, 2014

Melissa Bingham, RN and MPH student is currently working with the World Health Organization to fight the Ebola outbreak.

You might think one hour of exercise per day is enough to keep you in tip-top shape, but what about the other twenty-three hours? Is sitting the new smoking?

Public Health Magazine features all 8 schools on the Loma Linda University campus along with San Bernardino personnel write about how public health affects us all.

The Santa Fe Rail Yard is a major hub of activity for the entire U.S., located right in the middle of San Bernardino. But can it’s residents catch their breath?

Dr. Ed McField gives his opinion to Public Health Magazine and discusses the past, present, and future of the Affordable Care Act in the United States.

This Loma Linda University School of Public Health alumnus talks about working at the Foothill Aids Project and how they are helping survivors in the Inland Empire.




Public Health Magazine Fall 2014 • Executive Editor: Tricia Penniecook • Managing Editor: Marcus Chapman • Associate Editor: Katie Freeland • Contributors: Jerry Almendarez, Dwight Barrett, Marcus Chapman, Burt Clarke, Katie Freeland, Laura Gil, Tim Gillespie, Peter Gleason, Candice Gomez, Daniel Handysides, Mary Haulk, Marina Hoecker, Flor Just, Ladi Khoddam, Wanda Lewis, Ed McField, Arthur Marshak, John McMahon, Tricia Penniecook, Robert Perry, Hans von Walter